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    Never worry about how you tell someone you love them. Just go ahead and say it. The word “I love you” could never come out wrong. The only wrong way to say it would be not saying it at all.

    When mean people hurt you, think of them as sandpapers. They may rub and scratch you painfully, but eventually, you will end up smooth and polished while they end up worthless.

    Love isn’t about luxurious things in the world. It isn’t about driving a BMW, nor living in New York. Love is about that someday, you two will be able to reach your dreams, helping out each other. Love is about trust, even if everything falters. Love is about giving without expecting anything. Love is about sharing happiness and pain as well. Love is about accepting that person even if others can’t. Love is about holding on, even if all else fail.

    If one star will fall every time I miss you, all stars will be out of the sky now. So, if ever there be no more stars tonight, it’s all your fault, you make me miss you so much.
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